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Electrical Services

Air Balancing And Testing

An out-of-balance kitchen exhaust system doesn’t just affect those working in the kitchen but has far wider-reaching consequences.

Some of the most common concerns include:

  • Discomfort to staff and patrons in dining areas
  • Extremely high electricity bills
  • Shortened food life due to poor conditions
  • Loss of business due to all of the above

Commercial kitchens utilise a complex application of heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) so bringing a kitchen back in to balance, with the right amount of air coming in and going out, requires experience and commitment. Our professional and highly qualified electricians are specially training in commercial kitchen air balancing and testing, and have even designed exhaust ventilation systems for some of Melbourne’s most renowned establishments.

Commercial Kitchen Air Balancing and Testing hood

Exhaust Commissioning For Energy Efficiency

Commercial kitchen exhaust commissioning is a systematic and documented process that includes inspection and testing of the ventilation system, and all of its components, as well as training for all operators. The purpose of exhaust commissioning is to define whether a ventilation system is being operated as intended and to define whether there is potential for greater efficiency.

During the exhaust commissioning process, our accredited technicians focus on helping you achieve significant operational savings whilst being more energy efficient and making positive environmental improvements.

Electrical Testing Services

Alpha Hospitality employs experienced commercial electricians with specialist expertise in kitchens to ensure that all electrical equipment meets the Testing and Tagging & Residual Current Device (RCD) Testing under AS/NZS 3760:2010.

All electrical equipment in your commercial kitchen must comply with AS/NZS 3760:2010 standard. Alpha Hospitality can schedule regular electrical testing services that typically take about five minutes for each appliance or device, as well as electrical maintenance of your equipment; providing you with peace-of-mind.

Keeping the electrical equipment in your commercial kitchen in optimal condition will also ensure minimal disruption to service and maximise the output of your kitchen. Our qualified technicians capable of handling any critical task and ensure your business is kept safe.

Commercial Kitchen Maintenance

Make Electrical Maintenance A Priority

As a chef, commercial kitchen operator or café, restaurant or franchise owner, you have a duty of care to ensure the safety of all employees and patrons. All portable electrical equipment must be tested at six-monthly intervals, and fixed equipment at 12 monthly intervals.

Some of the equipment you may have in your kitchen that requires testing could include devices on the following list:

  • Scales
  • Blenders
  • Blast chiller
  • Ice cream makers
  • Ovens
  • Freezers
  • Fridges
  • Toasters
  • Grillers
  • Sandwich presses
  • Coffee machines
  • Microwaves
  • Meat slicers
  • Thermomixes®
  • Deep fryers

Get In Touch

Let us know your kitchen cleaning requirement and get a custom quote.

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